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Reflecting & Paving the Way in 2021

As we gladly turn the calendar page to 2021, and leave behind a year that was most challenging, hopefully reflecting on a few positives will pave the way for a healthy and prosperous new year.

We took joy in the simple things in life.

We found new hobbies or the time to cultivate old ones.

We looked out for each other and checked in on others.

We made time for family and multi-generations connected at alarming rates.

We volunteered and/or donated money, food and skills.

We were creative by celebrating milestones with drive-bys or Zoom parties.

We became more proficient in the digital world.

We watched nature revitalize as air and water pollution decreased.

We learned to conserve.

We learned to value each and every day and take care of ourselves.

We learned to be kind to ourselves and others, and to be patient.

We found smiling (even from behind a mask) makes a difference.

We will forever hold those we lost in our hearts.

From the Board of Trustees of the Friends of Harmony Hall. We are hopeful for a better 2021. Wishing you a safe, healthy and happy 2021.

We are looking forward during the first day of the new year to a brightening of our spirits as a sparrow looked up this crisp morning into the rising sun over the lawn of Harmony Hall.

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